Abdominal Workout 9

  • Complete in one circuit with minimal rest in between exercises.
  • Rest 1 min between circuits.

Kneeling Twist on Ball with Bar

Start Position: Position yourself on the ball by placing your shins on top of the ball and balancing in this position.
Take a bar and place on your shoulders while maintaining balance.
Twist your shoulders back and forth keeping good posture.
Use the tops of your feet to help control the movement of the ball by placing them against the ball.

Oblique Curls

1. Sit in upright position on flexaball with feet flat on floor.
2. Walk feet forward allowing flexaball to roll underneath body until it is positioned on lower to mid-back region. Raise hips slightly to create a “table top” position parallel to floor.
3. Place hands behind head with elbows back and out of sight. Head should be in a neutral position with a space between chin and chest.
4. Leading with the chin and chest towards the ceiling, contract the abdominal and raise your right shoulder up toward ceiling.
5. Return to start position and repeat with the other shoulder.
6. Remember to keep head and back in a neutral position. Hyperextension or flexion of either may cause injury.

One Arm Prone Bridge

Start Position: Roll out on the ball so that your shins are on the ball and you are supported by your hands in a table top position.
Take one hand and lift off the ground and bring back towards your hip.
Now raise it out in front of your head.
Repeat with other arm.

Prone Pull Ins on Ball

Start Position: Roll out on the ball so that your shins are on the ball and you are supported by your hands in a table top position.
Pull the ball using your feet towards your chest. While doing this bend your elbows in a pushup fashion.
Return to starting position.

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