Swimming Online Coaching Resources

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 entraineur natation adultes

The sport of swimming

Swimming Backstroke

Swimming Breaststroke

Swimming Butterfly

Swimming freestyle

Swim | Backstroke Drills | Teaching and coaching

Swim | Breaststroke Drills | Teaching and coaching

Swim | butterfly Drills | Teaching and coaching

Swim | Freestyle Drills | Teaching and coaching

The basics of technique for all strokes and specific training needs

Swimming : - History of drills

Swimming : - Using drills

Types of swimming drills

Swimming : - backstroke arm stroke drills

Swimming : - backstroke body position drills

Swimming : - backstroke breathing drills

Swimming : - backstroke coordination drills

Swimming : - backstroke kick drills

Swimming : - backstroke leverage drills

Swimming : - backstroke recovery drills

Swimming : - breaststroke arm stroke drills

Swimming : - breaststroke body position drills

Swimming : - breaststroke breathing drills

Swimming : - breaststroke coordination drills

Swimming : - breaststroke kick drills

Swimming : - breaststroke leverage drills

Swimming : - breaststroke recovery drills

Swimming : - Butterfly arm stroke drills

Swimming : - Butterfly body position drills

Swimming : - Butterfly breathing drills

Swimming : - Butterfly coordination drills

Swimming : - Butterfly kick drills

Swimming : - Butterfly leverage drills

Swimming : - Butterfly recovery drills

  Swimming : - Freestyle arm stroke drills

Swimming : - Freestyle body position drills

Swimming : - Freestyle breathing drills

Swimming : - Freestyle coordination drills

Swimming : - Freestyle kick drills

Swimming : - Freestyle leverage drills

Swimming : - Freestyle recovery drills

How to swim the freestyle

Swimming : Super-high training volumes

swimming Sprint ability Lactate Tolerance Aerobic power

Swimming VO2max 400m 1500m

Tapering swimming

training and testing of competitive swimmers

VO2max Swimming

why high-intensity training is more productive for swimmers than high-volume training

Championship season swimming

Competition analysis swimming

Early season swimming

Factors Influencing Swimming Performance

Laws of swimming

Methods to improve swimming speed

Paddlers are more efficient than propellers

Physiological Testing of Swimmers

Preseason swimming

Recovery swimming

why swimming, cycling and running is not enough

Swimming :New platform Is no chip off the old starting block

Drafting for triathlon swimmers

 entraineur triathlon tri3

Active Passive Recovery between Long Duration (40 to 120 s) Sprints

Active Passive Recovery between Short Duration (4 to 30 s) Sprints

Active recovery & restoration of performance

Active recovery and blood lactate

Active recovery during various types of exercise

The Duration of Active Recovery

The effect of exercise mode during active recovery

The effects of active recovery duration on performance

The effects of intensity of active recovery on sprint performance

The Intensity and Mode of Active Recovery

The rationale for using active recovery

Effects of active recovery on muscle H+ and lactate concentration Pcr and Glycogen

Basis of Sports Training

Objectives of Training

Process of sport training

Characteristics of the age period between 6 and 18 in children and youth


Example : Periodizing to build endurance and speed

Training Periodization Planning

Training plan for a season

Volume before intensity | Periodization |

Sequential loading of training microcycles

Indicators of exercse load

Training classification exercise

Muscle Blood Flow and Lactate Removal

Performance in individual sports

Performance in team sports

Sport & Flexibility

Sport coordination abilities

Sport Endurance training

Sport Energy Systems

Sport speed abilities

Prescription of training speeds

Technical Preparation Tactical Preparation Psychological Preparation

Training strength ability

 entraineur natation bassin

Tri Iron Articles


Sport Online Coaching Resources


Triathlon Online Coaching Resources


Swimming Online Coaching Resources




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