Pre-Season training Macrocycle 1-A

Weeks 25-30 of Macrocycle 1 for Pre-Season training. This is a double split program(lower body/upper body), with Mondays and Thursdays for lower body, while Tuesdays and Fridays are for upper body work. Tuesday/Fridays are also speed/agility work are agility work. Sundays off. This is Monday workout(lower body). Do 5-10 minutes of a dynamic warm-up to start your workout. Complete in straight sets with 60 seconds rest between sets.

Depth Jump with Barrier

1. Stand on box with toes close to edge and facing the hoop (or high object i.e. top of volleyball net or soccer crossbar).
2. Step off (not jump off) box and land on both feet. Immediately jump up and over object. The object can be of various height.
4. Ground contact time should be short and landings should be soft.

Leg Lateral Line Hop

1. Stand with left foot directly beside a line.
2. Pushing off with the left foot, hop and land with left foot on the other side of the line.
3. Continue hopping back and forth till you hit the required repetitions. Repeat with other leg.
5. Remember to keep knees slightly bent.

DB Bulgarian Split Squat

1. Start by holding dumbells at your side.
2. Place your back foot on a bench with your other leg out in front of you.
3. Proceed into a squat position by lowering your hips straight down.
4. Return to the starting position and repeat for the suggested repetitions.
5. Repeat with the other leg.

Lunge with Balance Disc

1) Stand with feet hip width apart. Take leg and step back approximately 2 feet standing on the ball of the foot. Place the front foot on a balance disc.
2) Start position: Feet should be positioned at a staggered stance with head and back erect and straight in a neutral position. Hold medicine ball in front of your chest.
3) Lower body by bending at hip and knee until thigh is parallel to floor. Body should follow a straight line down towards the floor.
4) Return to start position while raising the medicine ball overhead and repeat. Alternate or switch to other leg after prescribed reps.

Bent Knee Barbell Goodmorning

1) Stand with feet shoulder width apart with knees slightly bent (at 20°).
2) Start position: Grasp bar with overhand grip shoulder width apart. Back should be straight in a neutral position.
3) Bending at the hips, lower bar to approximately knee height. Keep knees bent at 20° throughout movement.
4) Return to start position.
5) Remember to keep back straight - movement should occur at the hip. To facilitate this, shift glutes back as if ready to sit down. Knees should not move forward beyond the toes.

Single Leg RDL with DB

1) Stand with feet hip width apart with knees slightly bent (at 20°).
2) Start position: Lift left foot off ground by flexing at the knee (foot should be behind you)
3) Bending at the hips, lower hands to approximately shin height. Keep knees bent at 20° throughout movement.
4) Return to start position. Complete recommended repetitions and switch legs.
Remember to keep back straight - movement should occur at the hip. To facilitate this, shift glutes back as if ready to sit down. Knees should not move forward beyond the toes or deviate laterally or medially. Keep abdominals tight throughout exercise by drawing stomach in toward spine.

Reverse Curl w/ Med Ball

1. Start position: Lie with back on floor or bench with hips flexed at 90° and feet in air holding onto a medicine ball. Position arms at sides with palms down on floor.
2. Leading with the heels towards the ceiling, raise glutes (butt) off floor or bench.
3. Return to start position.
4. Remember keep legs from swinging to prevent momentum throughout the exercise.

Weighted Stability Ball Crunch

1. Sit in upright position on flexaball with feet flat on floor.
2. Walk feet forward allowing flexaball to roll underneath body until it is positioned on lower to mid-back region. Raise hips slightly to create a “table top” position parallel to floor.
3. Place hands on chest holding a dumbell. Head should be in a neutral position with a space between chin and chest.
4. Leading with the chin and chest towards the ceiling, contract the abdominal and raise shoulders up.
5. Return to start position.
6. Remember to keep head and back in a neutral position. Hyperextension or flexion of either may cause injury.

Single Leg DB Calf Raise

1) Start position: Stand with feet hip width apart or stand on the edge of a step on the ball of one foot with your heel hanging over edge. Toes should be pointing forward. Hold a dumbell in the hand on the same side.
2) Contract calf by pushing off ball of foot to raise heel up in air (standing on toes)
3) Lower heel and repeat.
4) Remember to keep knee slightly bent throughout movement to prevent any knee strain. You may have to hold on to a fixed stationary object for stability.
5. Repeat with the other leg after completing the prescribed repetitions.

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