High School Level Functional training Macrocycle 2-B

  • Weeks 13-18 of Macrocycle 2 for Functional training.
  • This is a Wednesday workout(chest, shoulders, triceps, forearms).
  • Do 5-10 minutes of a dynamic warm-up to start the workout.
  • Complete straight sets with 60 seconds rest between sets.

Alternating Dumbbell Bench Press

1. Sit in an upright position on a flat bench with a DB in each hand. (You may rest each DB on the corresponding thigh.)
2. Start position: Lie onto your back and bring the DB’s to your shoulders. Press one DB up directly above the chest with palm facing forward.
3. Lower the DB keeping your forearms perpendicular to the floor and your hands aligned at the mid to lower chest level and then press with the other arm.
4) Let your upper arms go slightly past parallel to the floor and press the DB’s up to the start position.
5) To end the exercise, place the DB’s on shoulders and return to the seated upright position.
6) Remember to keep both feet flat on the floor at all times and keep the lower back in a neutral position. Hyperextension or arching of the back may cause injury. Never lock out elbows.

Barbell Incline Chest Press

1) Lie back onto incline bench (45° or less) with feet flat on floor.
2) Position hands on bar wider than shoulder width or lower the unloaded bar to upper chest (where collar bone and sternum joins) and position grip to where forearms are perpendicular to the floor.
3) Start position: Lift bar off rack with bar directly over head.
4) Lower bar to upper chest (where collarbone and sternum joins)
5) Press bar up to starting position.

Seated Dumbbell Arnold Press

Sit upright holding two dumbells.
Start position: Position DB’sl to ear level with an overhand grip (palms facing back).
Press hands up and out laterally above head keeping wrists over the elbows and arms moving parallel to body at all times. Rotate hand during movement so that your palms are back facing forward at the top of the movement.
Return to start position.
Remember to keep back and head straight in a neutral position - hyperextension or excessive flexion may cause injury.
Repeat with other arm.

Seated Rear Lateral Raise

1. Sit on the end of the bench with your body bent forward so that your chest is near the tops of your thighs.
2. Start position: Hold DB in each hand with neutral grip (palms facing each other) and let arms straight down (perpendicular to floor).
3. With elbows slightly bent and facing the ceiling, raise DB’s to shoulder level in semi-circular motion and squeeze shoulder blades together at top of movement.
4. Return to start position.
Remember to keep head in a neutral position

Lying Barbell Extension

1) Sit in upright position on a flat bench. Grasp bar with shoulder or medium width with overhand grip and rest it on thighs.
2) Start position: Lie onto back and bring the barbell to your chest. Press bar up so that bar is directly over upper chest.
3) Lower bar towards forehead by bending elbows to 90°. Elbows should remain pointing forward.
4) Return to start position.
5) Remember to keep back and head straight in a neutral position - hyperextension or flexion may cause injury. Keep shoulder stabilized throughout movement.

Seated Barbell Reverse Curl

1) Grasp BB. Sit in upright position and rest forearms on corresponding thighs with the palms down or rest forearms on a flat bench or training table.
2) Hands and wrists should be off the thighs or table (as shown).
3) Raise the weight by extending at the wrist.
4) Lower the weight and repeat as prescribed.
Remember to keep the forearms flat and supported on the thighs or bench throughout the movement. Trunk should be flexed forward at the hips - keep back straight throughout movement.

Seated Barbell Wrist Curl

1) Grasp BB. Sit in upright position and rest forearms on corresponding thighs with the palms facing up or rest forearms on a flat bench or training table.
2) Hands and wrists should be off the thighs or table (as shown).
3) Raise the weight by flexing at the wrist.
4) Lower the weight and repeat as prescribed.

Full Situp (w/ med and stability ball)

1. Sit in upright position on flexaball with feet flat on floor.
2. Walk feet forward allowing flexaball to roll underneath body until it is positioned on lower to mid-back region. Raise hips slightly to create a “table top” position parallel to floor.
3. Place hands on chest and hold a medicine ball. Head should be in a neutral position with a space between chin and chest.
4. Leading with the chin and chest towards the ceiling, contract the abdominal and raise shoulders up to a seated position.
5. Return to start position.
6. Remember to keep head and back in a neutral position. Hyperextension or flexion of either may cause injury.

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