High School Level Foundational training Macrocycle 1-B

  • Weeks 1-6 of Macrocycle 1 for Foundational training.
  • This is a Wednesday workout(chest, shoulders, triceps, forearms).
  • Do 5-10 minutes of a dynamic warm-up to start workout. Complete in straight sets with 45 seconds rest between sets.

Incline DB chest press

1. Start by lying on an inclined bench and hold dumbells at chest level with your palms facing forward.
2. Press the dumbells straight up towards the ceiling until your arms are extended.
3. Return to the starting position and repeat according to the prescribed repetitions.
Athletes may go heavier on this exercise, according to their level of fitness and the trainer's advice. Use the pyramid scheme, to advance in strenght.

Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press

1. Sit in upright position or stand with feet shoulder width apart and knees slightly bent.
2. Start position: Position DB’s to ear level with an overhand grip (palms facing forward).
3. Press hands up above head keeping wrists over the elbows and arms moving parallel to body at all times.
4. Return to start position.
5. Remember to keep back and head straight in a neutral position - hyperextension or excessive flexion may cause injury.


1. Step up on foot platform (if available) and position hands on dip bars.
2. Start position: Remove feet from platforms and suspend the body with slightly bent elbows. Lean forward slightly so that your elbows are slightly past the plane of your back and knees slightly bent.
3. Lower your body until your upper arm is parallel to the floor.
4. Return to starting position by extending the elbows to a slightly bent position.
5. Remember to keep the trunk bent forward, head neutral, and chest up.

Skull Crushers

1. Start by lying on a bench and holding a bar above your chest.
2. Keeping your elbows stationary bend your elbows so that the bar comes down to your forehead level.
3. Stop the bar just short of your forehead and then extend your arms to the extended position.
4. Repeat for the suggested repetitions.

Seated Barbell Reverse Curl

1) Grasp BB. Sit in upright position and rest forearms on corresponding thighs with the palms down or rest forearms on a flat bench or training table.
2) Hands and wrists should be off the thighs or table (as shown).
3) Raise the weight by extending at the wrist.
4) Lower the weight and repeat as prescribed.
Remember to keep the forearms flat and supported on the thighs or bench throughout the movement. Trunk should be flexed forward at the hips - keep back straight throughout movement.

Dumbbell Seated Rear Lateral Raise

1. Lie face down on flat or incline bench. Try to position body so that head is off end of bench (For incline bench, you may have to stand in order to clear face of seatback.)
2. Start position: Hold DB in each hand with neutral grip (palms facing each other) and let arms straight down (perpendicular to floor).
3. With elbows slightly bent and facing the ceiling, raise DB’s to shoulder level in semi-circular motion and squeeze shoulder blades together at top of movement.
4. Return to start position.

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