Dynamic Warmup 2

  • Complete in one circuit with minimal rest between exercises.
  • Then repeat for a total of 3 times.

Jump Rope (side straddle)

Start with the jump rope in each hand.
Jump off the ground and start swinging the jump rope under your feet.
Continue jumping up and down as you bring the jump rope under your feet.
When you are jumping and the rope is above your head swing your legs out to the side and return your feet together before the rope swings under your feet again.
Continue for the prescribed number of jumps or time.

Jump Rope (half twister)

Start with the jump rope in each hand.
Jump off the ground and start swinging the jump rope under your feet.
Continue jumping up and down as you bring the jump rope under your feet.
When you are jumping shift your feet to the left side land and then shift over to the right side.
Continue for the prescribed number of jumps or time.

Mountain Climbers

1. Start by getting on your hands and feet in a prone position.
2. Keeping your body parallel to ground drive your knees up towards your chest alternating back and forth.
3. Repeat this movement for the required number of seconds.

Skip (B-Rhythm)

Start with both feet together and begins by driving your left leg up into the air and explode off the ground using the right ankle (like a toe raise) keeping the right leg straight.
Extend the left leg out into an extended horizontal position and then paw down with the foot and dive the hips through.
Instead of staying in place extend the right foot so that you land 1-2 feet in front of the starting position with the right foot landing. Place left foot on the ground in a skipping motion.
Now drive the right leg up and out while extending the left ankle in a skipping motion.
Repeat until desired repetitions or distance is met.

Butt Kick

Start with a light jog
Pull the heel of the lower leg up to and bounce off the butt.
Your knee should come forward and up during the movement.

Heel Sprints

Run keeping the legs straight and the foot plantar flexed (toes curled up) so that you are on your heels.
Focus on minimal ground contact and pull through with the heel.


1. Jog into the start of the drill for forward momentum.
2. After a few feet, forcefully push off with the left foot and bring the leg forward. At same time drive your right arm forward.
3. Repeat with other leg and arm
4. This exercise is an exaggerated running motion focusing on foot push-off and air time.