Plyometric Workout 9

  • Complete in straight sets.

Step Jumps

1. Stand beside object to be cleared.
2. Bring knees up and jump vertically but also laterally off ground and over the barrier.
3. Land on both feet and jump the other direction over barrier.

Wall Throws

1. Stand with one foot in front (staggered stance) with knees slightly bent.
2. Pull medicine ball back behind head and forcefully throw ball forward as far as possible into the wall.
3. Catch ball on the bounce from the wall and repeat according to prescribed repetitions.

Over the Back Toss

1. Stand with feet slightly wider than hip-width apart. Have a partner or trainer stand approximately 10-15 yards behind you.
2. Grasp ball and lower body into a semi-squat position. Explode up extending the entire body and throwing medicine ball up and over the body.
3. The goal is to throw the ball behind you as far as you and generating most of the power in the legs.
4. Catch ball on the bounce from your partner and repeat according to prescribed repetitions.

Lateral Barrier Jump

1. Stand with feet slightly wider than hip-width apart with right side of body facing the barrier.
2. Hop to the right using both feet over the barrier.
3. Jump back to the start point.
4. Repeat according to the prescribed number of repetitions.

Kneel to Pushup

Start Position: Your body will be in an upright position sitting on your knees.
Hold medicine ball at chest level. Keeping your torso erect fall forward and chest press the medicine ball to a partner or a wall.
Upon releasing the ball drop your hands to the floor and immediately complete a push-up.
Advanced athletes: To make this more challenging have a partner throw the ball back to you. You will have to explode up with the push-up so that you are back in the seated upright position on your knees. Your partner will throw the ball back to you and then repeat the exercise until the desired repetitions are met.

Multiple Barrier Jumps

1. Stand with feet slightly wider than hip-width apart behind the first barrier.
2. Jump over first barrier, immediately jump over next barrier and so on down the row.
3. Repeat as prescribed.