Agility Workout 3


1) Start position: Lie back onto floor or bench with knees bent and hands extended towards ceiling. Head should be in a neutral position with a space between chin and chest.
2) Leading with the chin and chest towards the ceiling, contract the abdominal and raise shoulders off floor or bench. Also raise legs up towards ceiling and attempt to touch your hands to your feet.
3) Return to start position.

Pushup Superman Alternating Arms

Starting Position: Start the movement in a plank position. Holding that position raise your right arm and left leg off of the ground.
Return to the starting position and repeat with the other arm and leg. Hold each lift for 1-2 seconds.

Side Bridge

Start on your side and press up with your right arm.
Form a bridge with your arm extended and hold for the prescribed number of repetitions.

Lateral Small Hurdle Jumps

1. Stand with feet slightly wider than hip-width apart with right side of body facing the first hurdle.
2. Hop to the right using both feet over each hurdle.
3. When you reach the last hurdle, keep the body facing in the same direction and hop back to the start point.
4. Repeat according to the prescribed number of repetitions.

One Foot Zig Zap Hops

Stand to the left of the ladder approximately 1-2 feet away.
Forcefully push off one feet and land the on the other side of the ladder with the same foot.
Repeat and land foot back on the other side, continue repeating and so on down the ladder.
Do not “double hop” upon each landing.
Repeat with other leg.

Two Foot Zig Zap Hops

1. Stand to the left of the ladder approximately 1-2 feet away.
2. Forcefully push off both feet and land the on the other side of the ladder.
3. Repeat and land feet back on the other side, continue repeating and so on down the ladder.
4. Do not “double hop” upon each landing.

Linear Stability Jumps

1.Stand facing box with feet slightly wider than hip-width apart.
2.Lower body into a semi-squat position and jump up onto box. Feet should land softly on box.
3.Step back down (not jump back down) and repeat according to prescribed reps.

Fast Feet on Box

1. Stand behind box and place one foot on top of box, heel close to the closest edge.
2. Push off the box and explode vertically to bring the other foot onto the box.
3. Step back down with your feet reversed.
4. Repeat with other leg and continue according to prescribed number of repetitions.
do them on the bleachers

Lateral Step Up with Hop

1. Stand to left side of box and place right foot on top of box.
2. Push off the box using the right leg only and explode vertically as high as possible. Drive the arms forward and up for maximum height.
3. Land with opposite foot onto box. Repeat with the other foot.
4. Repeat according to prescribed number of repetitions.