Abdominal Workout 13

  • Complete in one circuit with minimal rest between exercises.
  • Rest 1 minute between circuits.

Lower Abs In and Out

Sit in a seated position and place a stability ball between your legs.
Straighten your legs and then bring your knees to your chest and lift the ball off the floor.
Return to the starting position.

Side Flexion w/ Medicine and Stability Ball

Start Position: Lie on your side on top of the stability ball and separate your legs to maintain balance.
While holding a medicine ball in front of your chest laterally flex your trunk up towards the ceiling.
Return to starting position. Complete this on both sides.

Crunch (feet on ball)

1. Start position: Lie back onto floor or bench with knees on top of the ball and hands behind head. Keep elbows back and out of sight. Head should be in a neutral position with a space between chin and chest.
2. Leading with the chin and chest towards the ceiling, contract the abdominal and raise shoulders off floor or bench.
3. Return to start position.
4. Remember to keep head and back in a neutral position. Hyperextension or flexion of either may cause injury.

Knee Lift

Lie on your back and place a stability ball behind your knees.
Secure it with the backs of your legs and your feet.
Lift your knees towards your chest and then return to the starting position.

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